• Trick 02.11.2012 Comments Off on What is social engineering?

    Social engineering is a psychological term with a specific meaning in the vocabulary of security. It describes the obtaining of information through manipulating people into performing actions or divulging confidences, as opposed to obtaining the same information through breaking into a computer or using technical hacking techniques.

    One example of social engineering is if I pretend I’m from your bank, and I tell you I need your security details to check the bank’s system.

  • Trick 02.11.2012 Comments Off on What is a virus/a Trojan/a malicious script file?

    A virus is a program or programming code that either (a) replicates itself to other sectors (e.g. to drive C or drive D), or (b) boots the computer program or document. It can often cause a lot of damage to a person’s system.

    A Trojan is similar to a virus, in that it can damage your computer. It’s usually a file that looks harmless, but in fact does something nasty or malicious.

    A malicious script file is any script written with malicious intent. The person who makes and distributes malicious script files is called an attacker. A malicious script might, for example, let an attacker run your server, giving them a high level of control of your computer. They can be used for all kinds of malicious purposes, from stealing money to destroying computer files. diflucan online uk doxycycline 200 mg price where can i buy zyban tablets During creation, it’s possible to add all of the information about a company in one easy form and the hourly rate can also be defined here

  • Trick 02.11.2012 Comments Off on What is a stealer?

    A stealer is a program designed to create a virus. The virus is called a server (This is a specialised use of the term ‘server’, not to be confused with the computer or computer program that manages access to a centralized resource or service in a network). You send the server to the victim and if they open it then their files will be sent to you via email, file transfer protocol (ftp), or php hosting, depending on how the stealer was designed. diflucan 100 mg price doxycycline where to order our sponsor this week is last5, an app that makes it incredibly easy to track the time you spend on work and more each day

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